엄마표 미술 놀이 봄 활동 빨대로 움직이는 나비 만들기

You can cut the colored butterflies. If you’re a baby who uses scissors well, you can cut them yourself. If you can’t use them well yet, your parents can help you. If you make eyes and antennae, you can make a prettier butterflyButterfly Do Color Pencil Straws 2p (Different Straws Thickness) Scissors Tape Pool#Mom’s play #Spring activities with children #Home play #Straw play #Making butterflies #Moving butterfliesHello, I’m Cloudy. The weather is really warm now, right? I hope this weather continues for a while. Today, I made a moving butterfly that’s good for spring with my childAnd prepare a rectangular piece of paper, fold it in the middle, fold both ends, and use glue to attach it to the back of the butterfly picturePlease prepare two straws. Make sure to prepare two straws with different thicknesses. First, divide the small ones into Y-shape and put them in the middle of the paper and fix them with tapeFirst, please prepare a butterfly design. You can draw a picture. If you have a printer, you can draw it and color it. You can use any color pencil, sign pen, crayon, etc. When you color a butterfly, help me color it using as many colors as possible. That way it looks prettier when it movesThe thick straw needs to be shorter than the thin straw to move the butterfly, so you have to cut it 1/3 to 1/2 long. Cut the thick straw into a y-shape and fix it on the small straw. You have to fix the thick straw as little as possible