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Hello, I’m Marjay Film.The printed material I’m going to introduce today is made on the day of the banner.Please use the button below for further production inquiries. ^^

The customer who made the banner above sent me the phrases and images to put in and asked me to make a draft.I wanted a draft banner that stood out but wasn’t serious, so I printed it right after I checked it after making the design accordingly.

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation Shortcut

After making the draft, the printing will be completed within at least one hour.If you have a draft file, we can make it faster, so the time required varies depending on the size and quantity, so please leave your quotation and detailed inquiries at the button below.

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation Shortcut

In addition to banners, large stickers, business cards, posters, and other printed materials that can be produced on the day can be produced.Please fill in the button below for further production inquiries. ^^

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation Shortcut

Today, we introduced you in printing banners and making drafts.For production inquiries, please contact Marjay Kakao Talk below. 🙂

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation Shortcut

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation Shortcut

If you add a neighbor, we will give you more marketing information than ▲▲▲.For inquiries, click below ▼▼▼ Consultation Contact Us ᆯ릭 ~✓ ~ ~

We will give high-end gold leaf business cards to presidents who have created websites and promotional videos with Marjay Film.

Consultation/Inquiry 010-7416-7663010-9966-6914 Kind consultation + reasonable price + Marjay know-how synergy effect Best results

Marjay Kakao Talk Consultation ShortcutMaru.J movies since 2012Maru.J movies since 2012https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JJPA7s3uEss