[임장] 성남 무지개마을+야탑역+수정구임장

얼마 전 퇴근해서 분당 임장을 다녀왔는데 이번에는 그때 볼 수 없었던 분당구 외곽지역과 수정구를 둘러보고 왔다.

구축 소형 아파트를 중점적으로 찾고 있는 나로서는 당장 투자처로서는 적당하지 않은 지역이 많았지만, 그래도 알아가는 지역을 늘릴 수 있는 기회였다+좀 더 효율적으로 현장 동선을 짤 필요가 있다는 생각도…? 먼저 무지개마을로 갈거야. 얼마 전에는 까치마을까지 왔는데 무지개마을이 또 투자자들 사이에서 성지 같아 빼놓을 수 없다는 생각이 들었다.

논현역에서 신분당선을 타고 36분 정도 걸렸다.

배차간격 운이 매우 좋은 편이었다는 점을 감안하면 강남까지 40~50분 안에 갈 수 있는 지역인 셈이다.

무지개마을에 대중교통을 타고 가려면 일단 미금역에서 내려 마을버스를 타는 것이 가장 좋을 듯하다.

일요일 오전 11시쯤이었는데 그렇게 배차 간격이 좋을 것 같지는 않다.

이 지역 주민들은 교통이나 상권을 오리역과 공유하는 것 같기도 하다.

용인수원으로 출퇴근하는 분들도 많이 산다고 한다.

얼마 전 퇴근해서 분당 임장을 다녀왔는데 이번에는 그때 볼 수 없었던 분당구 외곽지역과 수정구를 둘러보고 왔다.

구축 소형 아파트를 중점적으로 찾고 있는 나로서는 당장 투자처로서는 적당하지 않은 지역이 많았지만, 그래도 알아가는 지역을 늘릴 수 있는 기회였다+좀 더 효율적으로 현장 동선을 짤 필요가 있다는 생각도…? 먼저 무지개마을로 갈거야. 얼마 전에는 까치마을까지 왔는데 무지개마을이 또 투자자들 사이에서 성지 같아 빼놓을 수 없다는 생각이 들었다.

논현역에서 신분당선을 타고 36분 정도 걸렸다.

배차간격 운이 매우 좋은 편이었다는 점을 감안하면 강남까지 40~50분 안에 갈 수 있는 지역인 셈이다.

무지개마을에 대중교통을 타고 가려면 일단 미금역에서 내려 마을버스를 타는 것이 가장 좋을 듯하다.

일요일 오전 11시쯤이었는데 그렇게 배차 간격이 좋을 것 같지는 않다.

이 지역 주민들은 교통이나 상권을 오리역과 공유하는 것 같기도 하다.

용인수원으로 출퇴근하는 분들도 많이 산다고 한다.

낮에 보면 차분히 보이던 미금역 상권. 낮에 보면 차분히 보이던 미금역 상권.



밤에는 볼 수 없었던 까치마을의 저층. 이곳도 가구마다 부지 지분이 많이 다른 것 같다.

이렇게 낮은 아파트도 있었고 굴뚝처럼 우뚝 솟은 아파트도 있었다.

세대별로 대지 지분을 잘 살펴 인수를 결정할 것. 밤에는 볼 수 없었던 까치마을의 저층. 이곳도 가구마다 부지 지분이 많이 다른 것 같다.

이렇게 낮은 아파트도 있었고 굴뚝처럼 우뚝 솟은 아파트도 있었다.

세대별로 대지 지분을 잘 살펴 인수를 결정할 것.

무지개 마을을 지나려면 이렇게 강을 건너야 한다.

걸을 수 있는 거리가 아니라 무조건 차를 이용해야 한다고 생각한다.

확실히 까치마을과는 분리된 생활권이라는 생각이 들었다.

무지개 마을을 지나려면 이렇게 강을 건너야 한다.

걸을 수 있는 거리가 아니라 무조건 차를 이용해야 한다고 생각한다.

확실히 까치마을과는 분리된 생활권이라는 생각이 들었다.

옷감을 건너는 모습. 분당구 전체에서 2019년 이후 투자자들이 많이 산 단지를 보면 정자동, 수내동, 서현동이 1~20위를 차지한다.

무지개마을 12단지가 20위로 구미동에서는 처음 나온다.

이렇게 큰 그림을 가지고 구미동 안에서는 무지개마을 12와 무지개마을 3단지가 투자자들이 많이 살고 있는 단지이다.

이 안에서 끝내야 할 것 같아. 이 두 단지가 유일하게 10평대로 500세대가 넘는 단지이기도 하다(바로 아래 오른쪽 그림 필터링). 옷감을 건너는 모습. 분당구 전체에서 2019년 이후 투자자들이 많이 산 단지를 보면 정자동, 수내동, 서현동이 1~20위를 차지한다.

무지개마을 12단지가 20위로 구미동에서는 처음 나온다.

이렇게 큰 그림을 가지고 구미동 안에서는 무지개마을 12와 무지개마을 3단지가 투자자들이 많이 살고 있는 단지이다.

이 안에서 끝내야 할 것 같아. 이 두 단지가 유일하게 10평대로 500세대가 넘는 단지이기도 하다(바로 아래 오른쪽 그림 필터링).



가구수 964가구사용승인일 1996가구용적률 210% 저/최고층 15/20층 가구당 주차대수 0.83대 평균대지지분 12.4평호가 30평대 9.8억/5.2억(갭 4.6억) 20평대 6.25억/3.3억(갭 2.95억) 가구수 964가구사용승인일 1996가구용적률 210% 저/최고층 15/20층 가구당 주차대수 0.83대 평균대지지분 12.4평호가 30평대 9.8억/5.2억(갭 4.6억) 20평대 6.25억/3.3억(갭 2.95억)

다리를 지나 바로 나오는 무지개마을 건영3차. 다리를 지나 바로 나오는 무지개마을 건영3차.


30평대보다 20평대인 최근 10년간 상승률이 더 높은 특이한 단지. 아마 아이가 있는 집은 잘 들어오는 것 같지 않고 소형 평형 위주로 투자 수요가 많은 것 같다.

30평대보다 20평대인 최근 10년간 상승률이 더 높은 특이한 단지. 아마 아이가 있는 집은 잘 들어오는 것 같지 않고 소형 평형 위주로 투자 수요가 많은 것 같다.

바로 맞은편 무지개주공4단지. 리모델링 선도단지로 이미 시공에 들어갔다.

바로 맞은편 무지개주공4단지. 리모델링 선도단지로 이미 시공에 들어갔다.

가장 큰 단지(30평형대)가 현재 7.5억원으로 지난해 초 기준으로 10억원 정도면 84m를 갖게 된다고 한다.

(아래 블로그 참조) 주변 그래도 제일 신축인 더샵 분당파크리버84가 15억 정도인 것을 감안하면 2~3억 정도의 안전 마진은 있다고 할 수 있지 않을까? 가장 큰 단지(30평형대)가 현재 7.5억원으로 지난해 초 기준으로 10억원 정도면 84m를 갖게 된다고 한다.

(아래 블로그 참조) 주변 그래도 제일 신축인 더샵 분당파크리버84가 15억 정도인 것을 감안하면 2~3억 정도의 안전 마진은 있다고 할 수 있지 않을까?

No language detected.

Please check the input language, no language detected.

Please check the input language.

Bundang Remodeling Forest – Rainbow Jugong Complex 4 #Bundang #Remodeling #Rainbow Village #Rainbow Village #Rainbow Village #Rainbow Village #Rainbow Village #RainbowJugong Complex 4 blog.naver.com Bundang Remodeling Forest Park – blog.naver.com

If you walk for about five minutes from here, you will find Rainbow Village Complex 12, which was chosen by the largest number of investors. If you walk for about five minutes from here, you will find Rainbow Village Complex 12, which was chosen by the largest number of investors.

The commercial district in the rainbow village. There are not many entertainment districts, and it seems to be a commercial district that covers all students (more than elementary school students?) to the elderly. It’s not big, it’s small. The commercial district in the rainbow village. There are not many entertainment districts, and it seems to be a commercial district that covers all students (more than elementary school students?) to the elderly. It’s not big, it’s small.


I could see 11 complexes on the way up, but it seems that 12 complexes and integrated reconstruction are being promoted. However, the number of complexes is too small. I could see 11 complexes on the way up to the 12th complex of Rainbow Village, but it seems that they are pushing for an integrated reconstruction with the 12th complex. However, the number of complexes is too small. Rainbow Village Complex 12

905 households approved for use 1995 household floor space ratio 153% Low/Maximum 12/25F Parking per household Average support per unit?? Price: 10 pyeong (49) 300 million/580 million (gap 280 million) 905 households approved for use 1995 household floor space ratio 153% Low/Maximum 12/25F Parking per household Average support per unit?? Price: 10 pyeong (49) 300 million/580 million (gap 280 million)


Rainbow Jugong is definitely higher than other apartments. You have to go up the stairs on the right side of the shopping street to climb. If you turn left on the road, you will see the main entrance on the right, which is also uphill. If you cross the street, you will find Gumi Elementary School. Rainbow Jugong is definitely higher than other apartments. You have to go up the stairs on the right side of the shopping street to climb. If you turn left on the road, you will see the main entrance on the right, which is also uphill. If you cross the street, you will find Gumi Elementary School.


Rainbow Village is expected to have to wait a little longer as the gap has not decreased much at the moment. Rainbow Village, which moves to Yatap Station, is expected to have to wait a little longer with the gap not decreasing much. Move to Noto Station

It takes some time to get to Noto Station. It passes through Jeongja-dong and Imae-dong. It takes some time to get to Noto Station. It passes through Jeongja-dong and Imae-dong.

The commercial district of Yatap Station was incredibly large than I expected. If you look at the Seongnam General Bus Terminal, it is a traditional transportation hub, and if you look at Seongnam City Hall a little further north, it seems to have been an important area for a long time. At first glance, it seems that the living area is a little divided. The commercial district of Yatap Station was incredibly large than I expected. If you look at the Seongnam General Bus Terminal, it is a traditional transportation hub, and if you look at Seongnam City Hall a little further north, it seems to have been an important area for a long time. At first glance, it seems that the living area is a little divided.

Based on Yatap Station, there are apartments centered on Bundang Cha Hospital (BLACKPINK’s Jenny was born) + Juku-gil + large pyeong, and the north was a little desolate. I could feel the unique lonely atmosphere around the station. despite the large apartment complex. Based on Yatap Station, there are apartments centered on Bundang Cha Hospital (BLACKPINK’s Jenny was born) + Juku-gil + large pyeong, and the north was a little desolate. I could feel the unique lonely atmosphere around the station. despite the large apartment complex.

Bundang Shak Hospital looked dignified as soon as it got off at Yatap Station. Bundang Shak Hospital looked dignified as soon as it got off at Yatap Station.

It was a commercial district that you could see right after entering the east side of Yatap Station to eat. The commercial district is incredibly large. There are also entertainment and commercial facilities mixed here and there. It was a commercial district that you could see right after entering the east side of Yatap Station to eat. The commercial district is incredibly large. There are also entertainment and commercial facilities mixed here and there.

There are few academies in the north of Yatap Station, so it seems to be gathered near Cha Hospital. North Korea seems to have a high demand for investment. There are few academies in the north of Yatap Station, so it seems to be gathered near Cha Hospital. North Korea seems to have a high demand for investment.

Bara Village Modern Bara Village Modern

2136 households approved for use 1993 214% lower floor space ratio / 1.29 parking per household on 14/20 floors of the highest class Average support 13.7 is 10 pyeong (49) 315 billion/615 billion (gap 300 million) 2136 households approved for use 1993 214% lower floor space ratio / 1.29 parking per household on 14/20 floors of the highest class Average support 13.7 is 10 pyeong (49) 315 billion/615 billion (gap 300 million)

It is No. 1 in Yatap-dong and ranked 5th in the ranking of Dahaksan Complex in Bundang-gu, but it is not high compared to the ranking of the number of complexes. When I went there myself, I felt that the location of this village was ambiguous and the price was ambiguous. It’s not a town where renovations take place all at once. Seongnam City Basic Plan had a development plan near Yatap Station··· This is not a weak commercial district, so I think there could be a big change. It is No. 1 in Yatap-dong and ranked 5th in the ranking of Dahaksan Complex in Bundang-gu, but it is not high compared to the ranking of the number of complexes. When I went there myself, I felt that the location of this village was ambiguous and the price was ambiguous. It’s not a town where renovations take place all at once. Seongnam City Basic Plan had a development plan near Yatap Station··· This is not a weak commercial district, so I think there could be a big change.

Rose Hyundai does not come out as soon as it crosses the road, so it is necessary to cross a bridge over the sky like this. Rose Hyundai does not come out as soon as it crosses the road, so it is necessary to cross a bridge over the sky like this.

As expected, it’s a bit disappointing to be a type A. As expected, it’s a bit disappointing to be a type A.

It seems that there is also an application plan for Bundang Remodeling Leading District. It seems that there is also an application plan for Bundang Remodeling Leading District.

The road to Maehwa Village Complex 1~2, a remodeling model complex. There are many leaflets across the street as shown in the picture on the right. Do people live in this town? It was so quiet that I thought. In the commercial district, there seemed to be no store available while walking a long distance to the extent that I was wondering where else to use besides Yatap Station. The road to Maehwa Village Complex 1~2, a remodeling model complex. There are many leaflets across the street as shown in the picture on the right. Do people live in this town? It was so quiet that I thought. In the commercial district, there seemed to be no store available while walking a long distance to the extent that I was wondering where else to use besides Yatap Station.

The shopping district of an apartment complex is full of real estate The shopping district of an apartment complex is full of real estate

Nakatakusa (pictured on the left) held by the 4th housing complex of Umebana Jugong. The middle pagoda grass (pictured on the left) held by the 4th Umejugo Complex and 4th Umehana Jugo Complex. Umeju-ko 4th Estate

643 households approved for use 1993 Household Floor Area Ratio 233% Low/Top 14/20 Floor Parking Per Household Average support for 0.6 cars?? Price: 10 pyeong (35) 350 million/489 million (gap: 139.9 billion) 643 households approved for use 1993 Household Floor Area Ratio 233% Low/Top 14/20 Floor Parking Per Household Average support for 0.6 cars?? Price: 10 pyeong (35) 350 million/489 million (gap: 139.9 billion)

Rather, the 4th Umebana Jugong Complex was Type A. After falling in the 20% range, there is little recovery. Let’s keep that in mind. In the case of Yatap Station/Rainbow Village, it seems that there are many A-type complexes that investors prefer. This may mean that provisional demand has not yet been eliminated. It’s just something you should remember. Let’s move on to Sujeonggu. Rather, the 4th Umebana Jugong Complex was Type A. After falling in the 20% range, there is little recovery. Let’s keep that in mind. In the case of Yatap Station/Rainbow Village, it seems that there are many A-type complexes that investors prefer. This may mean that provisional demand has not yet been eliminated. It’s just something you should remember. Let’s move on to Sujeonggu.

Seongnam City Hall and vinyl greenhouses came out on the way. Seongnam City Hall and vinyl greenhouses came out on the way.

The atmosphere near Peony Station. Seongnam City has so many different shapes!
Especially around the peony market, where there were many human resources offices and motels. Move toward Susin Station and Shinheung Station, where the redevelopment area is closed The atmosphere near Peony Station. Seongnam City has so many different shapes!
Especially around the peony market, where there were many human resources offices and motels. Move toward Susin Station and Shinheung Station, where the redevelopment area is closed

Entering Sujin 1-dong. It will soon enter such a separate road. This area is separated from the main street. Entering Sujin 1-dong. It will soon enter such a separate road. This area is separated from the main street.


a region this high. There were so many “motels + officetels” across the street. a region this high. There were so many “motels + officetels” across the street.

Slope of Sujin District 1··· shudder. Slope of Sujin District 1··· shudder.

Sujin District 1 had a low area even after the low separation road was over. It seems that the prices for sale are also different. Looking at the topographical map, all redevelopment areas along Dandae Five-way Road, such as Susin District 1, Sinheung, will be in this way. Crossing Taepyeong-dong, we moved to the place where the new Sanseong Station was built. Sujin District 1 had a low area even after the low separation road was over. It seems that the prices for sale are also different. Looking at the topographical map, all redevelopment areas along Dandae Five-way Road, such as Susin District 1, Sinheung, will be in this way. Crossing Taepyeong-dong, we moved to the place where the new Sanseong Station was built.


Illegal parking is very severe in Sujin and Taepyeong. Almost the number of lanes-2 is considered to be the default. The uphill climb was also very severe. Illegal parking is very severe in Sujin and Taepyeong. Almost the number of lanes-2 is considered to be the default. The uphill climb was also very severe.

A gyprugio seen in the forest of villas. It’s not completely flat, but it feels like flat land. Yamashiro Station Zaypurgio moved in last October. It is the place where four households recently signed up for Lotto Apartment after the cancellation of the contract came out. This is because 74 sales prices are about 670 million and 59 sales prices are 532 million, but as of January, the market price reached 920 million and 840 million, respectively. According to Naver’s real estate standards, 84 (A2) is 1.1 billion / 530 million / 59 is 845 million / 880 million / 500 million / 880 million. The lease of 59 and 84 is similar, but I wonder why. A gyprugio seen in the forest of villas. It’s not completely flat, but it feels like flat land. Yamashiro Station Zaypurgio moved in last October. It is the place where four households recently signed up for Lotto Apartment after the cancellation of the contract came out. This is because 74 sales prices are about 670 million and 59 sales prices are 532 million, but as of January, the market price reached 920 million and 840 million, respectively. According to Naver’s real estate standards, 84 (A2) is 1.1 billion / 530 million / 59 is 845 million / 880 million / 500 million / 880 million. The lease of 59 and 84 is similar, but I wonder why.

The price difference of Jaipurzio is likely to be a little different because the backyard is a little far away and it is a stronger uphill. The price difference of Jaipurzio is likely to be a little different because the backyard is a little far away and it is a stronger uphill.

Acidic reverse Forrestia. The current market price is 7/125 billion for 84 and 5/87 billion for 59 and nearly twice the selling price for 84 is about twice the selling price. Is it 5 minutes from that gate to Yamashiro Station and the north gate? It’s closer if you start from a house. It’s almost in the station area. Acidic reverse Forrestia. The current market price is 7/125 billion for 84 and 5/87 billion for 59 and nearly twice the selling price for 84 is about twice the selling price. Is it 5 minutes from that gate to Yamashiro Station and the north gate? It’s closer if you start from a house. It’s almost in the station area.

There is a slight uphill road to Sanseong Station. There is a slight uphill road to Sanseong Station.

Commercial area remaining between Yamashiro area and Forrestia. As the apartment is leaking, the shopping district feels more old. Commercial area remaining between Yamashiro area and Forrestia. As the apartment is leaking, the shopping district feels more old.

Jaipurgio seen from Forrestia at Yamashiro Station. The area that predicts the future of Seongnam’s new construction. Jaipurgio seen from Forrestia at Yamashiro Station. The area that predicts the future of Seongnam’s new construction.

There is also a shopping district in Forrestia like this. There is also a shopping district in Forrestia like this.

The Yamashiro area I saw on my way to Wirye. As expected, it is a super station area, and the scale is very large. The Yamashiro area I saw on my way to Wirye. As expected, it is a super station area, and the scale is very large.

I’m going to go to Wirye now. I’m going to go to Wirye now.

Wirye Central Square. It was impressive to see young children and the elderly playing in the square. Wirye Central Square. It was impressive to see young children and the elderly playing in the square.

The place where Wirye Central Station on the Gakuin Wirye Sinsa Line enters. The place where Wirye Central Station on the Gakuin Wirye Sinsa Line enters.

It’s completely in the middle of the square. It’s completely in the middle of the square.

Wirye 24 Complex in Songpa Dream of Daejangsan Mountain 24 Complex in Songpa Dream of Daejangsan Mountain

The infrastructure is almost similar, but if you think about why there is a difference of about 5,000 from Wirye Central Xi, it seems that the first child – Songpa-gu (from the southern 2nd complex to the crystal district) is different. <Balance> Based on 84 – 750 million/1.5 billion – 650 million/1.2 billion infrastructure is almost similar, but considering why there is a difference of about 5,000 from Wirye Central Xi, it seems that the first child in Songpa-gu (from the 2nd complex in the south) is different. <Calling price> 84 basis – 750 million/1.5 billion basis – 650 million/1.2 billion


The type of A that is a bit disappointing. 84 recovered by 5 percentage points after falling 20 percent, and 59 recovered by about half after falling 26 percent. <Organization> – Crystal district is a place where heaven and earth are created. -Which makes the future look better, Wirye or Dongtan? Compared to Dongtan, I think Wirye is a little undervalued. -As an investment destination, Noto Station is ambiguous. As for Rainbow Jugong, 12 complexes seem to be the best, but when I went there, Kachi Village seems to be better. -In the field tower, let’s pay attention to the cheap Umebana Jugong Complex 4!
<Deadline of Bundang-gu> https://blog.naver.com/rkddls44/223370472675 A type that is a bit disappointing. 84 recovered by 5 percentage points after falling 20 percent, and 59 recovered by about half after falling 26 percent. <Organization> – Crystal district is a place where heaven and earth are created. -Which makes the future look better, Wirye or Dongtan? Compared to Dongtan, I think Wirye is a little undervalued. -As an investment destination, Noto Station is ambiguous. As for Rainbow Jugong, 12 complexes seem to be the best, but when I went there, Kachi Village seems to be better. -In the field tower, let’s pay attention to the cheap Umebana Jugong Complex 4!
<Deadline of Bundang-gu> https://blog.naver.com/rkddls44/223370472675

[Imjang] Imjanggi 1-Migeum Station and Jeongja Station in 20240-228 Bundang-gu were originally easy to live in and went to Bundang, where they are more popular due to the Special Act on Old Cities. Although it may be difficult for the bear market this time, blog.naver.com [Imjang] Imjanggi 1-Migeum Station and Jeongja Station in Bundang-gu, 20240-228 have been to Bundang, which are originally easy to live in and are more popular due to the Special Act on Old Cities. It will be tough for the bear market this time, but a new third term…blog.naver.com

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[Imjang] 20240228 Bundang-gu Imjanggi 2-Seohyun Station, Sunae Station, the 2nd episode of Bundang Imjanggi following Imjang in the area of Migeum Station and Cheongja Station!
From Hansol Village to Bureung Village in Sunae Station… blog.naver.com [Imjang] 20240228 Bundang-gu Imjanggi 2-Seohyun Station, Sunae Station, the 2nd Bundang Imjanggi following the last Migeum Station and Jeongja Station!
From Hansol Village to Bureung Village in Sunae Station…blog.naver.com