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3. Then you’ll have a questionnaire form, as shown in the picture above. Think of it as the top part of the questionnaire, and the bottom part of it as the subhead that explains the questionnaire. Please fill out the title and subhead that you want.

6. If you scroll down further, you can set the default value of the form. If you set it to Do not collect from Form defaults here, you won’t collect emails to see who answered. You can be anonymous.7. If you have completed the Google questionnaire, you should share it through the Google Form share. Please press the paper airplane-shaped icon at the top. And after pressing the clip-shaped icon, click [Shorten URL] to shorten the URL. Finally, press the [Copy] button and you’re done copying url!
Create a Google Form Questionnaire (iPhone and Galaxy are both available)Hello, I’m JAMSKI, a tech blogger. There are many cases where there are surveys and simple surveys such as companies and universities. In that case, you can easily and simply find out your opinions or results by creating a questionnaire in Google Form. Google Form is a big feature of it that you can create a questionnaire with just a few clicks with an account. So today, we will learn how to make a basic Google Form!
2. If you press the 9 dots icon, there are so many Google options. Please scroll down and find [Forms] and press it.You can create Google Form on your mobile phone, both iPhone and Galaxy. Search Google on the Google app or Safari and enter. (You need to log in to Google) Tap the icon with nine dots at the top.Now, you can send the copied link to anyone you want via KakaoTalk or email. The person who receives the link will be able to answer the Google Form questionnaire we created through the link. Go into the link and respond4. Please scroll down to the bottom and write down the questions you want to ask. And right at the bottom is [Short Answer], which means short answer. You can change the format of the questions by clicking the arrow next to it. Also, [Required] at the bottom is a check box to see if the questions are required to be answered. If the person who answered the question simply skips over, a warning will be displayed saying that there is a question that has not been answered. If you want to add more questions, you can add them by pressing the [+] button at the bottom.Today, we learned how to create a Google Form that is simple and easy to do surveys and various surveys. I also use it a lot because the form provided by Google can be made with just a few clicks. If you have something to make, please use Google Form and make it while referring to the text. It’s not difficult!
5. Click Make Google Form and enter the setting [Setting] at the top. Click [Presentation] and activate [Limit to 1 response] at the bottom. This can prevent duplicate responses from being submitted.You can change the question format to whatever you want and use it. The question format consists of short answers, long sentences, check boxes, drop-downs, file uploads, linear magnification, multiple-choice grid, check box grid, date, and time. These days, short answers or multiple choices are the preferred question format for many people.We’ve checked to see if the Google questionnaire we’ve created is working properly. If you’ve filled out your questions and answers in the form you want, you can click Submit.